Sunday 21 March 2010

Dissociative Running Techniques

As my wife completed her first half marathon this afternoon, and the whole family cheered her over the line, I asked her about how the race went. Well she said, the race went fine until about mile 5 or 6 when it got a little tough and the hills appeared. Then all of a sudden a lady came past her and they got talking as they ran along. This was the perfect opportunity for the pair of them to put their minds elsewhere, off the pain they may have been suffering, and onto the words and convesation that they chose. How did this work? Well they were completely dissociated thinking, and their minds were diverted away from any thing their minds had previously been screaming at them, due to the constant pounding of the streets. At about mile 12, the pair separated and ran the last mile and a bit on their own. Was this dissociative method effective? Well yes, and the proof is in the post-match debrief. Both of them commented on how their minds switched back to any aches and niggles they may not have been consciously been aware off, whilst they were chatting. Their minds drifted back to the thoughts of maybe stopping and walking, or the ever-present threat of an injury re-occuring!! However they both persisted and reached the finish line in fine form.
The question is, what techniques do you use to dissociate when the going gets tough? Paula Radcliffe counts up to 200 and back again, and that is approximately 1 mile. Some people imagine a picture of themselves running just ahead of their actual self, and the pretend to chase that person down. People can focus on the person in front, and their stride pattern, look at the scenery, or picture the finish line and them crossing it. This is a very simple overview of dissociative thinking, combining imagery and effective self-talk to ensure that you are successful in whatever you are engaged. For more information on these techniques, and how to apply them in more complex settings then please contact me.

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